I browsed several dedicated sites and came across this real Mini Sex Doll. But I admit that I would still hesitate because it is a considerable investment and I am worried that I would be surprised (sparkling photos of dolls and sellers, even unscrupulous sellers are even different) The quality of the doll is lower than mine Imagine).
At this moment, I realized that I was more like the wm brand. I particularly like 153 cm Mini Sex Dolls on the oudoll website, but I was a bit surprised because I think the toys on this site are cheaper than other dolls of the same brand and about the same size. So I wonder if this is a serious website (though at first glance it seems to be). He is very friendly, knows his subject well and can advise you on how to avoid mistakes,
Without making you feel uncomfortable. It’s entirely up to you. You are welcome, do not hesitate to ask me questions directly in the “private message”, because I hope to be less commercial and more friendly and technical in the forum.
In short, I am still hesitant, but on the verge of adventure. Quoting the website where I saw this doll. I will continue to browse the website store, which does not make any sense to me. I suspect the real Mini Sex Dolls showroom is the best solution, but I admit that I have not fully embraced this new interest.